Dating Advice for Single Guys

You’ve never had a serious relationship or you’ve recently broken up or divorced? Of course, you’re going through a tough period and grief is an integral part of it. However, you’re gradually moving on and now you can see a silver lining looming on the dark horizon. It’s time to get back in the game and start going out again. If you’ve lost your dating grip, the following tips will help you refresh your memory.


Be positive.

Women are attracted to men who have a positive outlook on life. How you feel inside is reflected from the outside. Inner harmony is what you need in order to feel better and to make other people feel your positive vibes. Whenever you feel down, you should all possible to drag yourself out of that state. The easiest way to cheer yourself up is to smile and look at your reflection in the mirror. When smiling you give your brain the signal that you’re happy and it will do the trick. That is why turn up your favorite song and practice smiling in front of the mirror before you leave your house. This way you’ll get yourself in the right mood.


It’s very important for a single guy to go out and socialize. Don’t reject your friends’ offers to hang out, go to a club, or visit the place you’ve never been to but wanted to see. Women find men who are always surrounded by people very attractive. It’s very pleasant for them to watch a company of handsome relaxed and laughing men. You should become a sort of a social animal to multiply your chances with women.

Set goals and attain them.

Being single for some time you may feel that you lack confidence. There is an effective way to boost your self-esteem. What you need to do is to set goals and feel the sweet of their accomplishment. For example, you may set yourself the task of chatting up five girls in a night club or promise yourself to go out every weekend, or blow up at least one phone number each time you go out.

Be your true self.

It’s pointless to pretend to be someone else to get a date. Your true nature will reveal itself after the first conversation. If a woman detects that you’re showing off, she won’t give you a chance for the first or second date. Your aim should be to present your strong points in a humble and unobtrusive way. At the same time, you should not focus on your weaknesses otherwise, you may seem lame to a woman and she’ll turn you down.

Be future-oriented.

Stop thinking and talking about your past relationship. There are so many new exciting adventures waiting for you around the corner, so reflecting on your past is in vain. Instead of plunging into the reminiscences, you’d better generate the ideas for your future dates. And you’re going to have a lot of them. Recalling past experiences, especially not pleasant ones, you’ll just make yourself feel miserable. Thinking about the future, you’ll program yourself for the better.

Don’t expect too much.

The best way to avoid frustration is to keep your expectations low. You haven’t practiced dating for a while so hoping it will go off without a hitch is pretty naïve. Don’t make any plans; it’s your first date after a long gap so view it as the first step towards your new dating experiences. You know that the first step is the hardest but it shouldn’t prevent you from trying. Practice makes perfect and your new dates will get better with time.

Don’t give up.

If you can’t find a suitable candidate for dating, don’t lose heart. You can try online dating first. The principle is almost the same: you communicate with the potential partners and if both of you feel a strong connection, you continue dating in real life. The main thing is to believe that you deserve to be happy.

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